Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Return

I’m back with a vengeance on some thoughts on news from the past week….some whimsical, some serious. Like this little gem….

Dennis Haysbert believes his role as the black president on “24” got America “ready” for Barack Obama. (Somewhere in the darkness, Hillary Clinton curses the 2006 cancellation of Commander-in-Chief, a short-lived NBC series in which Gina Davis ascends to the presidency).

Haysbert (also known as the spokesman for All-State) states that people constantly tell him they want to vote for him. People, this is terrifying for democracy. Not because a bunch of idiots don’t know an actor from a politician (and look what that got us last time this mistake was made). No, no. Imagine how annoying listening to a State of the Union address will lbe when the Prez wraps up each issue plank in his State of the Union address by saying, “That’s my stand. Are you in good hands?”



Wilson46201 said...

...and frantic Gary Welsh would be busy posting gory details of every unsavory lawsuit that AllState ever was involved with...

Anonymous said...

..but he would have been better and less embarrassing than Hillary Clinton.....and her husband.

Chris Worden said...

Wilson shoots....AND SCORES!!!