Some will cheer gleefully, some will fall into mild depression, and some will be concertedly indifferent. But IPOPA will be going on hiatus until January 1, 2009. I have to focus on getting married in Jamaica, some much needed R&R, and then catching up at work from all the R&R. But before I go, I’d like to make two pleas:
First, regardless of what happens Tuesday, try to be gracious to the victors. The internet has created more polarization over politics than ever. We’ve become angry in our discourse, and I think it’s because it’s easier to tear somebody a new orifice when you aren’t looking at them. Remember that we can vehemently disagree, but we’re all in this American ship together.
Second, come see IPOPA’s alter-ego, Bullworth, rock the mic at Tonic Ball VII on November 21 and support Second Helpings.
Second Helpings,, rescues prepared and perishable food and re-prepares it for organizations that feed meals to the hungry. Second Helpings also teaches adults careers in culinary arts.
Tonic Ball VII is a highly anticipated music bonanza, and here's how it works. Over thirty local bands with styles ranging from rock, pop, punk, funk, country, and everything in between, take the stage at two venues next door to each other - Radio Radio and Fountain Square Theater. Each band performs an original song and a "cover" of the featured artists, which this year are Elvis (at Radio Radio) and Queen (at Fountain Square).
IPOPA gets to drop some verses with the band formerly known as Squibnocket, which features Steve Campbell on bass, John Krauss on drums, and Kevin Sifferlen on guitar. It's a great event for a great cause. If music is not your thing, you still might enjoy Tonic Gallery, which is an art exhibition with works for sale and proceeds going to Second Helpings. Tell your friends!
DATE: November 21, 2008
TIME: 8:00 p.m. start
WHERE: 1119 E. Prospect Street
COST: $20
For tickets, call or email Jennifer Arnold at 632-2662 X. 12, or
Wheeler Arts Community, 1035 Sanders St., from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. on Friday, November 21.