I used to laugh when George Bush said he was a "unifer," not a "divider." Not anymore. In the midst of two divisive primaries - one national and one local - George Bush has managed to unify all Democrats with respect to at least one idea: George Bush sucks.
Woody Myers takes the Prez to the wood shed in new radio ads today that play off his earlier TV bio ads.
You remember those? I thought they were very good bio spots, showing Dr. Myers' medical credentials and his fight for Ryan White at a time when AIDS had people holding their urine all day at work to avoid using public toilets. Dr. Myers was definitely ahead of his time both medically and politically (though some might rightly point out that fighting for Ryan White is substantially different than fighting for the guy who dresses up like a cheetah at the San Francisco GLBTG Pride Parade).
BUT the part about the TV ads that bothered me most was a split-second clip of Oprah Winfrey from when Woody was on her show to discuss White. That clip was as unflattering as any public image of Oprah, except for when Sofia got hit in the eye in The Color Purple. Had the image not flashed so quickly, maybe we could have visualized the woman that is now the media scion and not the flash of extra thick mascara that was more fitting for the Thriller video than a talk show. I'm surprised Oprah didn't try to BUY all the television stations running the ad to prevent anyone from seeing her again in her "80's hair."
But I digress.
Here's how you know how bad things are for the President. When I tell you the title to Woody's radio ad is "Mess," I don't even have to go on. You KNOW what it's about. Here's the script anyway (with my additions in parenthesis and asterisks next to each place on which I have a comment):
President Bush (struggling to get out a coherent sentence as usual):
America’s economy is getting stronger everyday…. I believe we’re making really good progress in Iraq…. You’re predicting $4 a gallon gasoline, I hadn’t heard that.
George Bush has created one fine mess in the last 7 years and it’s going to take some strong Democrats to clean it up.
Dr. Woody Myers is running for Congress to get out troops out of Iraq as quickly and safely as possible and start investing in America again. Dr. Woody Myers is one of our nation’s preeminent internal medicine physicians*, Indiana’s first black Commissioner of Health, and he knows how to clean up George Bush’s mess. Money to create jobs here in America, not more in Iraq; tax cuts for the middle class, not the super wealthy**; and instead of doing the Iraqi’s job in Baghdad, finally stop the violence on our own streets. Dr. Woody Myers, Democrat for Congress. To fix George Bush’s mess, we have to send our best***.
* - Woody Myers is no idiot. Polls consistently show physicians are one of the most trusted vocations, with 85% of people saying they'd trust a doctor to 27% saying they'd trust a lawyer. (Right now David O. is somewhere saying, "CRAP! I KNEW I shouldn't have gone back to Harvard Law School! Boy, did I shoot myself in the foot on that one!") In fact, I'm surprised Dr. Myers doesn't have more subtle physician references in the tag line of this ad, such as "The Medicine Washington Needs," or "Woody Myers - Ready to Operate." How about countering Andre Carson's constituent service ads with one of his own -- "Woody Myers - Always on Call - For You!" The possibilities are endless.
** - Woody Myers is no idiot. Most people have a habit of giving meaning to every word in a sentence under the belief that the writer meant to include it or he/she wouldn't have. Myers knows he has to win some white AND black suburban voters who are on the ascend financially, and their definition of "middle class" might be more "classy" than "middle." Thus, when Woody Myers puts the qualifier "super" before wealthy, it arguably signals to you that Woody Myers is okay with tax cuts for just the "regular" wealthy. If you're a two-income, two-kid, two-professional family making $120,000, don't worry your head! Woody probably isn't angling to take back your tax cut. Even if he is, though, you'd never know because when you make $250,000, "super" wealthy is NEVER what you make.
That's the real genius in all good advertising. Not what it says, but what it lets YOU infer. Take "fresh roasted coffee." Sounds delicious, doesn't it? But unless you work for Juan Valdez or are a coffee-addicted weirdo, I bet you can't describe the actual process of fresh roasting. That's the magic. They give you a phrase that sounds good and let you put your aspirations and own interpretations into it. Good political ads are the grown up version of those kiddie books where you get to choose the ending.
Ending A: "Daddy, lookie - I picked more student loans and got to go to college!"
Ending B: "Look Daddy, I picked more student loans, and when everybody defaulted because we were giving them away like free drugs in a crackhouse, we had to cut social security!"
On leaving enough "unsaid," Woody does quite well, and radio doesn't restrict your imagination by providing images. You get to fill in ALL of your own blanks as to what the meaning is, including this final comment:
*** - "To fix George Bush's mess, we have to send our best."
I've always called this kind of ad a "pillow soft negative." Dr. Myers doesn't mention or criticize anyone, but anybody with a pulse knows what he's really implying. And if you had doubt, his website has a GREAT tagline from a PR perspective. "Experience. Change. We Deserve Both." He doesn't have to even say it, because we know EXACTLY what Dr. Myers is thinking, "Andre Carson is greener than the bubonic chronic at a Snoop Dogg Girls Gone Wild Gala." Well, he's either thinking that, or "Andre Carson is not sufficiently experienced to hold this prestigious post of high public esteem and trust." One of those, I'm sure.
To sum up, thumbs up to Dr. Myers' radio spot. Even if you disagree about Andre's experience, how can you not feel good about a man who shares your revulsion for our current President's politics?
On the ad front, has anybody heard from David O in any medium? David O. must be waiting to use the funnel philosophy of campaigns championed by Joe Hogsett. You save every dime and then own the networks the last week when people are either paying attention of their own accord or forced to pay attention because you're every other non-Viagra ad running.
Let me know if you see or hear him. No slight intended to David O. if he's already out. I've been listening to a lot of NPR lately.